What To Look For When Shopping for Senior-Friendly Home Safety Products?

More people are growing old, so there’s an increasing need for home safety items that suit seniors. These tools aren’t just important for those living alone; they’re also key in assisted living homes. The well-being and comfort of our older folks really matter. 

The right kit can help a lot with this. This piece will guide you through what to think about when buying these products specifically designed for elders’ safety at home, making sure your choices are smart and suitable.

Ease of Use and Accessibility

The first thing to think about when picking safety gear for the elderly is how easy it’s going to be for them to use. It needs to work simply, even if someone has limited movement or difficulty thinking clearly. You should aim for options with big buttons that are labeled well and straightforward instructions. 

Making sure they can reach items easily matters, too. Remember, not everyone moves around like they used to. This might include items like easy-to-grip handles, motion-sensor lights, and voice-activated devices. All this helps make stuff less tricky and physically tough, lowering the chances of accidents while making these products more user-friendly.

Customizability and Adaptability

Every older person has different needs, so being able to personalize home safety gear is really important. Pick items that can be changed to fit what they need specifically. For example, bed rails you can move around or shower chairs with adjustable heights are great picks. 

You should also think about grab bars, which you could reposition if needed in the future. Getting a product that adapts as their needs change means no full replacements are required, saving both time and money.

Durability and Reliability

It’s key for any safety items aimed at seniors to last a long time and work properly. They need to be made from stuff that can take plenty of use day-to-day, year after year. It’s important they don’t fail when needed most – in emergencies or daily life tasks. 

Look out for ones with good warranties and top customer reviews. You should also pick brands well-known for their quality products you can count on. Regular maintenance and checks should be straightforward to ensure that the products remain in optimal working condition.

Integration With Technology and Support Systems

In our high-tech world today, syncing home safety items with tech and support systems gives extra protection. Items that connect to smartphones or emergency services can keep seniors and their caregivers calm. 

These might include fall detectors that alert family members or medical personnel, smart locks that can be controlled remotely, or surveillance cameras that can be monitored from a smartphone. Merging these products with technology doesn’t just boost safety but also lets older users live more independently.


Picking the right safety gear for seniors isn’t easy; there’s a lot to think about. If you concentrate on making things simple, adaptable, long-lasting, and tech-savvy, the best comfort and security are guaranteed. 

Our aim here is more than just keeping them safe from danger. It’s also enriching their life with tools that they can count on, reliable ones that enhance how enjoyable every single day is.

4 Things People Who Live Over 100 Have In Common

It’s safe to say that living over 100 is an impressive achievement and something many people would love to do.  After all, what could be better than enjoying your retirement years healthy and happy?  Yet living over 100 is not as simple as deciding to. While genetics may play a significant role in lifespan, there are certain lifestyle habits that can increase your chances of living longer. 

If you’re curious about how to live over 100, then here are some interesting things people over 100 have in common that you should take notes on.

Healthy Diet

One thing’s for sure, and that’s that people over 100 are not eating McDonald’s every day. While people over 100 agree that life is meant to be enjoyed, and an occasional indulgence is not only tolerated but encouraged, you’ll find that most people in their triple digits eat fairly healthy. 

Their diets are typically very low in processed foods, saturated fats, and most importantly sugar. The primary source of food comes from vegetables, and focus on nutrient-dense food sources full of antioxidants.

They’re Active

Staying active is a critical part of keeping your body healthy. Statistics show that people over 100 move every single day. You won’t see them on the couch watching TV, but rather out and about moving, gardening, or working in some form. Staying active helps maintain a healthy weight, and improves your overall cardiovascular health. If you can manage to move even just 30 minutes a day, you’ll already significantly increase your lifespan.

Strong Social Connections

Besides the food we eat and the way we move our bodies, one of the most important parts of living a healthy life is spending time with people we love. Strong social connections are something that people over 100 have in common. Maintaining close relationships with family and friends, and prioritizing spending time with people we love fosters a sense of belonging. As such, people with strong social connections have improved mental health and as such live longer lives.


There’s something to be said about optimism when it comes to living a healthy life. People who dwell on the negative or always assume the worst have much higher stress levels. Stress isn’t just a feeling, but also takes physical form. You have higher blood pressure and a higher chance of a heart attack. 

People who live longer lives are the ones that have a positive outlook on life and approach life with optimistic resilience. However, this state of mind doesn’t always necessarily come to them naturally. They make an effort to engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation, attending therapy sessions, or practicing mindfulness.

3 Tips For Designing Your Home With Your Health In Mind

Your home should be a place where you feel your best. But in order to have your home take up this space in your life, you have to design this area with your health in mind. However, for many people, the design of their home often comes as an afterthought. Luckily, there are things that you can do to change this and make sure that your home is helping to improve your health in various ways.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for designing your home with your health in mind. 

Know How To Protect Your Mental Health

Because of the negative forces in the outside world, it can be extremely beneficial to make your home a place where you can protect your mental health

Depending on where your mental health currently is and what type of things you’ve found that can help to get you in a better head space, there are all kinds of things that you can do with the design and decor of your home to help it protect your mental health. Some of the things that you can do include letting in a lot of natural light, blocking out outside noises, bringing in more natural elements, and more.

If you’re not sure how to execute on these ideas yourself, you can always work with an interior designer to help you pull everything together. 

Make Room For Physical Activity

The design of your home can also help you to be more healthy physically. Especially if you’re someone who wants to get more physical activity at home, there are all kinds of things that you can do with the design of your space to make this easier to accomplish. 

One of the best things that you can do is to have an area in your home that you can either clear space around or keep space open so that you have an easy and convenient place to workout. If you have the room, you can keep any and all exercise equipment close at hand so that it’s easy to decide to exercise and get that exercise in. 

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Another element in protecting your mental health is finding ways to reduce your stress at home. Based on what kinds of things tend to cause you stress, you can then find ways to eliminate these things from the design and layout of your home.

For example, if clutter stresses you out, setting up a solid home organization system, keeping your belongings to a minimum, and using cool colors in your decor can help you feel less stress in your home on a regular basis. 

If you want to design your home with your health in mind, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this. 

3 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight (and What to Do About It

Many of us find ourselves trying to lose weight only to be met with frustration and ultimately failure. When it feels like you’re doing all the right things, from working out, to eating well, it’s easy to find yourself wondering, “What on earth is going on?” 

Even though you may be convinced you’re doing everything right, sometimes you may be making mistakes you don’t even realize. Beyond that, there may be certain medical conditions or lifestyle circumstances that are hindering your weight loss. If you find that you’re not losing weight as quickly as you would like, here are some of the most likely culprits.


As we get older our metabolism slows down. The same tricks that worked in our 20’s no longer work over the age of 75.  In our younger years the simple act of just being alive all day could burn a considerable amount of calories!  As our metabolism slows down we require fewer calories, and more exercise. It’s a good idea to use a calorie calculator which is often offered for free on apps like My Fitness Pal. 

You’ll be able to find an estimate of what your daily calories consumed versus calories burned should be to help you get a better idea of the steps you need to take. More often than not we’re consuming far more calories than we should be eating for our body type.


Stress can have all sorts of effects on our well-being, from our ability to sleep to our ability to be productive. Losing weight is no exception. When we’re stressed, our bodies produce excess cortisol. This excess in cortisol can make it more difficult to shed pounds. 

Although we can’t always simply snap our fingers and make stress go away, we can make small efforts to reduce the amount of stress we are exposed to on a daily basis. Perhaps it’s your job or a toxic relationship. Find ways to live a more zen lifestyle and expose yourself less to things that leave you feeling anxious. Your body and mind will ultimately thank you for it.

Not Tracking Your Foods

If you’re having a considerable amount of trouble losing weight, it may be because you’re not staying accountable for what you’re eating. Start keeping track of everything you put in your mouth from morning to evening. Even though those seemingly innocent snacks may seem like they don’t add up to much, over the course of the day, they can equate to an entire meal. Be mindful about what you eat, and keep track of it all in a food diary. At the end of the day add it all up and be honest with yourself about whether you’re eating more than you truly need.

3 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Weight At Any Age

Being at a healthy weight for your body is one of the best ways to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of living a long and healthy life. However, many people experience a lot of fluctuation in their weight. So once you get to a weight that you’re happy and comfortable with, it’s important to know how to maintain that weight so that you can do all the things that you want your body to be capable of.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for maintaining a healthy weight at any age. 

Eat About The Same Number Of Calories Each Day

While counting calories isn’t a vital part of being healthy, eating about the same number of calories each day is a good way to help ensure that you’re getting adequate nutrition without going overboard.

Especially for people who might struggle with eating sufficiently, as happens to older people living in assisted living facilities, getting enough to eat during the day will help you keep your weight up. And for those who might be struggling to keep some weight off, eating a consistent amount of food can help you avoid binging and other harmful eating habits. If you’re not sure how much you should be eating in a day to stay at a healthy weight, consider speaking with your doctor or a nutritionist to help you figure this out. 

Set Weekly Goals For Exercise

Keeping your body active is another great way to ensure that you’re able to maintain a healthy weight. 

Luckily, you don’t necessarily have to exercise every day in order to maintain your weight and be healthy. Especially if the idea of fitting in exercise every day causes you stress, it can be best for you to set weekly exercise goals rather than daily goals. Ideally, you should try to get about 150 minutes of exercise each week. However you want to break that out into the week is up to you. But if you’re able to do this, you should have an easier time maintaining your weight. 

Find Ways To Cut Back On Sedentary Activities

Along with actively looking to get regular exercise, another thing you can do to maintain a healthy weight is to reduce the amount of time that you spend doing sedentary activities. While you might not be able to get away from working at your desk or sitting down for your job, when you do have more control over your time, try to choose activities that will require you to get your body moving a little bit more. 

If you’re needing some help finding ways to maintain your weight, consider making some of the lifestyle changes mentioned above to achieve this. 

Arkhat Zhumadilov Discusses Why Exercise is Important to Your Mind

Did you know there is a connection between exercise and having a healthy mind? This is true. In this blog, Mr. Arkhat Zhumadilov talks about why this is true. Everyone can benefit from this knowledge.

Arkhat Zhumadilov and Fitness

Mr. Zhumadilov splits his professional time between one of the biggest employers in Spring, TX, and as a CFO with his own company, Zhumadilov Finance.  In his off-hours, this esteemed gentleman has a penchant for physical fitness.  He truly believes regular exercise stimulates the mind.  Why and how?  Keep reading!

Exercise and the Human Brain

For one thing, regular exercise enhances a person’s memory.  It does so by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF.)  What this does is make it easier for the individual to absorb information.  This person can then go on to remember this information for extraordinary periods of time. 

When he is exercising around The Woodlands in Montgomery County, Arkhat Zhumadilov experiences this exact phenomenon.  That is why he strongly advocates for a steady exercise routine.  He feels it enables him to get more work done every day.  Therefore, he is a huge fan of regular physical exercise.

Exercise and the Elimination of Depression

Health experts have proven that there is a direct link between regular exercise and the ability to fight off depression.  When a person is depressed, they often find it difficult to concentrate on work. If not addressed, this issue can cause problems in the workplace.  

It stands to reason when someone fights off depression with steady exercise, they are able to get more work accomplished.  This is yet another reason why Arkhat Zhumadilov is such an advocate of physical fitness.  He is seldom depressed and, as a result, gets a massive amount of work done every day.  He very much credits his fit body and mind with his business successes.

Human Cognitive Functions and Exercise

When somebody speaks about cognitive functions, he or she is referring to things like learning, thinking clearly, and reasoning.  Additionally, it encompasses remembering things, making decisions, solving problems, and attention span.  All of these mental aspects are enhanced when a person participates in routine exercise.  If you don’t believe this is so, take a look at the genius of Montgomery County, Mr. Arkhat Zhumadilov

Exercise and Moods

Now readers are probably asking what a good mood has to do with having a sound mind.  In actuality, they have plenty to do with each other.  There are chemicals within the human brain like stress hormones, serotonin, and endorphins.  When a person is in a good mood, these chemicals are functioning at their best.  That enables a person to concentrate on things like their daily work tasks much better.  Arkhat Zhumadilov, the pride of Spring, TX agrees with this scenario.

Parting Thoughts

The Woodlands’ own Arkhat Zhumadilov credits his resounding business achievements with his physical fitness.  He truly believes an individual must have a fertile mind in order to succeed in his or her business endeavors.  His successes are a testament to these beliefs.  This man is surely an inspiration to the business community at large.

The different types of Olive Oil

Olive oil is really beneficial to overall health. It helps to improve digestion, prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and moisturize hair as it has polyphenol rich olive oil. There are many kinds of olive oils that have various purposes.

  • Extra-virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the best oil as it is normally extracted by the cold pressing process for avoiding natural content. In comparison to its virgin version, this oil has a decreased acidity content. There are maximum scents and flavors of olive oil which are original in nature. Extra virgin olive oil can be consumed or drunk without any other ingredients due to its numerous health benefits.

  • Virgin Olive Oil

Virgin Olive oil is an unrefined form of oil. Through the cold pressing way, this olive oil gives a natural kind of aroma and taste. It has a greater acidic content from 1 to 4 percent. The virgin olive oil resists the temperature. It is a mild flavor than the original one. This is appropriate for low-heat cooking.

  • Refined Olive Oil

This olive oil is made up of black and ripened olive fruits. The virgin olive oil present in it is responsible for treating colon cancer and other types of health issues. This form of olive oil is chosen as the best oil for cooking at high temperatures. The lite variety of this olive oil is better than the standard oil. The fats and calories in refined olive oil are similar to other oils.

  • Pure Olive Oil

This kind of olive oil is not just as it sounds. It is made by mixing extra virgin olive oil and refined oil. It is normally done due to the low quality of extraction. It is then mixed with a better quality of olive oil for example extra virgin and virgin olive oil to improve the quality. This oil provides Vitamin E and even improves the texture.

  • Olive Pomace Oil

Pomace olive oil is of the lowest quality. This olive oil is made up of the leftover residue after crushing the fruit. It is done by firstly pressing up the fruits and then in the residue the water and oil are leftover. When the oil and water are removed then the residue has some oil that can be recovered later. This oil is generated through waste only that’s why some amount of virgin oil is added so the texture could be enhanced.

Therefore these are the different types of olive oil that are recommended for health and skin aspects.

Best features of olive oil

Olive oil is a natural oil that is very beneficial for our health. It is extracted from the fresh young olive fruit. We can use olive oil as our morning drink or we can use olive oil in cooking also. Here are some health benefits of olive oil that are supported by scientific research.

Rich in healthy fat

Olive oil is the natural oil extracted from olive. It is rich in omega 6, omega 3 fatty acid, oleic acid. Oleic acid is very helpful to reduce any type of inflammation in our body. Omega 6 and omega 3 keep our hearts healthy. So, no doubt it is a healthy choice for cooking.

Contains huge amounts of antioxidants

Besides beneficial fatty acids it contains good amounts of Vitamin E and K. But the most interesting thing is that olive oil is rich in powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help to reduce any type of chronic disease and inflammation. It may lower the risk of heart disease.

Strong inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like- cancer, heart disease, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, etc. It is suggested by research that the oleic acid and the main fatty acid help to reduce the inflammatory markers like C reactive protein.

Other Benefits

  • Reduces the risk of Strokes- Nowadays stroke is a very common cause of death. It happens due to the disturbance of blood flow to your brain or due to a blood clot or bleeding. The monounsaturated fat present in olive oil can reduce the risk of heart disease. Olive oil can prevent another heart disease also. It can improve the lining of our blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clotting.
  • Help to lose weight- Generally consuming excessive fat is the cause of gaining weight. But research shows that the antioxidants present in olive oil helps us to reduce weight.
  • Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes- It is proven that olive oil can protect us from type 2 diabetes.
  • Anticancer properties- Presently cancer is one of the most common causes of death all over the world. Many researchers believe that the people who consume olive oil have a lower risk of some cancers. The antioxidant present in the olive oil damages the free radical which is considered the main cause of cancer. 
  • Rich in polyphenolPolyphenol-rich olive oil is extra virgin olive oil that contains a high percentage of tyrosol, oleic acid, hydroxytyrosol, and other antioxidant properties.

 Moreover, olive oil can be considered a super food for its lots of beneficial effects. It can prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and arthritis. Though the quality of olive oil depends on some factors. But we can say that extra virgin olive oil is very good for our health. It can increase our health and food value. Olive oil is a healthy choice for our chicken. We can consume it in different ways like as a morning drink or as cooking oil or we can use it in our salad. Because it helps to enhance the taste of food. Olive oil makes our food healthy and tasty and keeps us healthy.

Shantele Marcum provides tips for creating a yoga-ready space in the home

Certified yoga instructor Shantele Marcum offers a set-up guide for an in-home yoga experience.

SARASOTA, FLORIDA, January 19, 2022 — With the ongoing pandemic, there is a larger percentage of people relying on their home as an office space during the day and a fitness and recreation center at night. Current and would-be yogis are included in this trend. Certified yoga instructor Shantele Marcum advises there is no wrong way to start a yoga practice at home. However, there are several ways to improve the experience with equipment and decor choices.

Shantele Marcum discusses getting started with a home practice

Yoga is both a physical and spiritual exercise. As with any physical effort, injury is always a possibility. Shantele Marcum advises anyone just getting started should rely on the guidance of a professional to establish proper technique. When an in-person introduction is not possible, start with at-home materials developed by a professional with a strong focus on beginner’s poses and form and consult with a doctor for any exercise limitation concerns.

Yoga practice environment

To truly embrace the body and mind connection of yoga, creating a peaceful environment is essential. As a combination relator and yoga instructor, Shantele Marcum fully understands the impact spaces have on concentration, enjoyment of an activity and long-term mental and physical health. A few basic tweaks help create a yoga-ready space in most rooms or homes.

Dedicate space

One secret to success for healthy living is to make it as easy as possible to adopt healthy behaviors. To establish a regular yoga practice in the home, make a space for it. This doesn’t mean a dedicated room, but it does mean a readily accessible area large enough for practice with minimal setup required. For example, needing to throw out a yoga mat to get started is OK. Needing to rearrange the entire room is usually not. Each action required before yoga is an impediment.

Having a designated space for yoga and meditation helps associate the space with the calm and grounding feeling yoga provides. Gradually, as the practitioner enters the space, those feelings will begin immediately.

Project calm

It isn’t always possible to totally declutter an area, but do remove all unnecessary items from the yoga space. If it is a shared space, consider investing in a few special lights to change the mood and design the yoga area so most poses are completed facing a calm wall area

Use a color scheme of earthy tones that promote a zen feeling. Natural light and organic fabrics also promote a feeling of connection. Hang your favorite art here or place decorative elements in soothing colors and gentle shapes. Be moderate and consider limiting major elements to one focal point.

A closer look at yoga equipment

Yoga studios feature an assortment of equipment to help practitioners master form as flexibility and range of motion increase, according to Shantele Marcum. For at-home practice, a few basic props go a long way toward achieving the same results.

Yoga blocks and straps

Yoga blocks are available in a variety of materials, including high-density foam, cork and more. They provide a firm surface with a soft give and help reduce the range of motion required for certain poses. Child’s pose, downward dog and triangle pose are all easier with this aid. Straps also assist with range of motion and allow advanced yogis to deepen stretches.

Basic accessories

Also recommended and readily available are the standard yoga mat and/or a yoga blanket.

Role of IV Therapy in Skincare

The skin speaks about how you take care of your body:

Choosing the right or bad habits in your routine can directly affect your skin because healthy habits associated with the body keep your skin naturally glowing and healthy. Any sign of degradation in the skin showcases an unhealthy body. Skin is considered to be one of the most important organs which requires an equal amount of attention for better functioning and care as any other. There are many ways to support better skin functioning such as eating healthy food which is rich in minerals and vitamins, using sunscreen every time you step out in sun to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun, avoiding consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and smoking or take professional help through IV Therapies and vitamin supplements, such as IV Hydration Therapy.

IV Therapy has proved to have a huge role in the healthy appearance of your skin, not just on your body’s health. Therefore the addition of this beauty Drip and a Radical Booster Shot program can be a good chance for a better start towards healthy and glowing skin.

How does IV Therapy work on the skin?

IV Therapy is considered to be one of the best ways for effective delivery of natural vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. It allows direct full absorption of these essential nutrients, making them readily available for use in your body. Also, the chances of facing any side effects are very rare. Although the process of IV Therapy is slow but highly effective and safe. However, it should be supported by proper health care and a maintained healthy lifestyle. 

So, along with the IV therapy maintain a healthy diet to get proper and full health benefits because it’s difficult to get all the required nutrients through treatments. IV therapy helps in bridging this gap by providing essential nutrients directly to improve overall health. Each formula of these IV therapy treatments is a custom-made combination of essential antioxidants, electrolytes, essential oils, and crucial vitamins which slowly penetrate into the arteries due to the force of gravity. 

Benefits you will acquire from IV Hydration Therapy:

We are often advised to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to acquire good skin and overall body health. And, here comes IV Hydration Therapy one of the best available solutions to get your fluids without any hassle. Let’s know what all this therapy can offer to you:

  1. More efficient and effective way: This therapy helps you in skipping the digestive tract and directly entering the bloodstream. This is beneficial because when you consume water to eliminate dehydration from your body, most of it is absorbed by the tissues present in the throat region and along the way of the digestive tract. which reduces significant and faster delivery of body fluids to all essential organs such as skin. 
  1. It provides your body with what it actually needs: Only taking regular fluids is not enough, there are few essential nutrients that you require in significant quantities to fight against dehydration and various deficiencies associated with it. Therefore, this Therapy helps in replenishing your body’s electrolytes and other lost nutrients to stay fresh, healthy, and hydrated. It reduces recovery time as it is designed as per your customized body requirements.
  1. Improves Skin health by removing toxins: Getting enough fluids for your skin is a difficult task also there are some real-life challenges associated with it if you drink them without realizing what your body actually needs. Hydration IV treatment helps you get a hold of this by offering customized services which will improve the health of your skin quickly by making your muscles and immune system stronger than ever. This strong influx of essential liquids and nutrients helps in removing toxins from the body to restore your skin with perfect health. The Therapy helps you to look and feel healthier, so you can stay better and calm. 

Therefore, by replenishing the proper and right levels of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients in your body through IV treatment you can significantly reduce or eliminate the negative symptoms caused by dehydration and deficiencies of these essential nutrients on your skin and overall body health.